داستان آبیدیک

به موجب


1 general:: Pursuant to, in virtue of

شبکه مترجمین ایران

2 Law:: (sometimes also طبقِ) under, by (under the lawe (personation of a voter is an offense under Section 47 of the Representation of the People Act, 1949; personation of a master for the purpose of giving a false character to a servant is a misdemeanor by Section 1 of the Servants Characters Act, 1792; and personation of a husband in order to commit rape is a felon under Section 1 of the Sexual Offenses Act, 1956 – JBS2 (court martial – an ad hoc military court, convened under governmental authority, for trying and punishing those who violate the Uniform Code of Military Justice, particularly members of the armed forces – BB an employee is one who works for another under an express or implied contract – BB Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is a federal agency created under the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to end discriminatory employment practices and to promote non-discriminatory employment programs – BB in contract law, efficient-breach theory is the view that a party should be allowed to breach a contract and pay damages, if that would be economically efficient, rather than be forced to perform under the contract; this relatively modern theory stems from the law-and-economics movement – BB ● according to; in accordance with; in conformity with; pursuant to (be given power pursuant to Section 95 of the Companies Act 1985t ● in pursuance of : while performing sth; in the course of sth (costs incurred in pursuance of a claim against a travel agentc ● by virtue of (also به دليلِ، به حكمِ، بر اساسِ، با استناد به)) (Air – the enjoyment of air free and unpolluted is a natural right, and interference with such right is actionable unless such interference is by virtue of an easement – JBSe ● in virtue of (Sheriff’s court – 2. The court held by the sheriff of a county, or his deputy, either in virtue of a writ of enquiry, to assess the damages which the plaintiff has sustained in an undefended action, or to try issues sent to him for that purpose by a writ of trial – JBSd (Pin-money – a sum payable by a husband to a wife for her separate use, in virtue of a particular arrangement, to be applied b y the wife in attiring her person in a manner suitable to the rank of her husband, and in defraying other personal expenses – JBSe ● on the grounds of; on the strength of; on the authority of; on the basis of; under color of (also تحت عنوانِ) (to hold possession under color of titlet (Piracy – hostilities by a natural-born subject against any of her Majesty’s subject, under color of a commission from a foreign power (Piracy Act, 1744, s. 1) – JBS, ● by color of (by power or color of a lawful warrantb ● by right of (Peeress – a woman who has the dignity of peerage, either in her own right or by right of marriage – JBS ● by force of (common-law crime : a crime that is punishable under the common law, rather than by force of statute – BB

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